Provide your pet with an environment which is suitable for it and with enough space. Also provide shelter from direct sunlight, wind and rain. Some types of pets need access to a safe hiding place (which could also be the sleeping area).
Keep your pet in a safe area with adequate protection from hazards. Take suitable steps to prevent the escape of your pet.
Provide an adequate supply of fresh air and sufficient ventilation.
Maintain the temperature within limits which are suitable for your pet.
Suitable provision must be made for the housing and care of your pet when the person normally responsible for it is away.
Maintain the area in which your pet is kept in a clean and hygienic condition.
Keep your pet comfortable and safe during transport. This will require the use of a suitable pet carrier. Pets must never be left unattended in a vehicle in a manner which endangers the health and safety of the pet.
Some types of pet have specific environmental requirements (for example, some reptiles require a source of ultraviolet light and have specific temperature and humidity requirements). It is your responsibility to know the specific environmental needs of your pet and take steps to provide for them. Consult a registered veterinary surgeon if you are not sure.